Diskuse - Animátoři
Prostor pro diskusi našich drahých salesiánských animátorů- ekJotsnTFVMhhkZo (Natally8.10.2012, 09:02)
Thank you for your comments. I am very aware that there is a lrugeiois institution involved with the Livmor. My mentioning facts of a bar opening up on that corner of FDB in Harlem was not meant to offend anyone in the lrugeiois community, but to continue my love and praise of Harlem. It appears you were offended from my blog post on this topic and for that, my apologies. However, now that you bring up the church that is [or was suppose] to go into the Livmor, what's the status of that? Is it going to open? Not sure if you pass by there much, but there's always trash out front and individuals, who appear to be without a home, crashing on the front door? If you have any developments to pass along, I would love to share with HarlemGal Inc. readers and express equal enthusiasm for a place of worship in Harlem.
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